Story: I am!

Printable PDF here: Ah-na – I am!

Transliteration Arabic Translation
Ah-na ar-kood

Ah-na uq-fizz

Ah-na ab-nee 

Ah-na ut-ta-sel-luq

Ah-na igh-ghan-nee oo arr-qohss

Ah-na ut-ta-ar-jaH

Ah-na a-nam

أنا أركض

أنا أقفز

أنا أبني 

أنا أتسلق

أنا أغني وأرقص

أنا أتأرجح

أنا أنام

I am running

I am jumping

I am building

I am climbing

I am singing and dancing**

I am swinging

I am sleeping


* Before you read each line you can say, “What are you doing?” “Shoo b’t-’am-lee?” as if you are talking to the girl and then read it as if she is answering you. This could promote dialogue with your child in Arabic in other circumstances.

** I changed it to include more action words.

Here it read!

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