I have used them at circle times for mats/sitting spots.  You can also connect them and use them to pad harder surfaces or prevent rug burns for your crawler.

When your child is a little older you can use these to build tunnels/shapes. 

And then as they get even older use them as a tool for recognition of the numbers.  

  1. wa-Had
  2. ith-nayn (formal), ti-nayn (informal)
  3. tha-laa-tha (formal) or ti-laa-teh (informal)
  4. ar-ba-‘a’
  5. khum-seh
  6. sit-teh
  7. suh-ba-‘a’
  8. tha-man-ee-yeh, ta-man-yeh
  9. tiss-sa-‘a’
  10. ‘a’sh-a-ra

Here is a printable Numbers PDF to help you with numbers 1-100.

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