• 8 sheets or more of card stock of varied colors (at least 8 different colors)
  • large bowl or container to hold paper pieces
  • scissors (for adults only)
  • glue or glue stick
  • large sheets of paper (24″ x 36″)
Cut the card stock of various colors into squares and triangles (roughly 1 1/2 cms wide – no need to measure)
and put in a large bowl
Here is a pdf of the instructions for Mosaic Names : An ArabishWay Activity

  • Write the child’s name widely and largely on the piece of paper, leaving lots of space for gluing the shapes on top.  (If you are not sure how to write it either find a friend who does or try typing your child’s name into yamli or google translate.)
  • Give your child a glue stick and the pre cut shapes and let them go to town.

This child is a toddler and is randomly gluing shapes.

This child is in preschool and is understanding she can follow the lines to make her name.

The child in the image above is much older and has chosen to do a rainbow pattern on her name.

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