Story: Al Walad Al Ka’a-keh – The Gingerbread Man

Printable version here: PDF: Gingerbread Man

(P1a) sy-yed wa sitt Khab-bazz sak-neen li-hal-hom

Mr and Mrs. Baker lived all alone. 


Kul yom, kha-ba-zoo: ka’ak ka-beer, fa-ty-yeer zaa-kee wa ma’a-mool ty-yib.  

Everyday they baked big cakes, yummy spinach pies and delicious date cookies.


Bess, kaa-noo ha-zi-neen, li-an-noo ma fee ha-da yak-loo ma’oo. 

But they were sad because there wasn’t anyone to eat with them.


(P1b) Fi yom, sitt Khab-bazz am-lit wa-lad ka’a-keh ta-yim-buss-too

One day, Mrs. Baker made a gingerbread man to cheer them both up. 


Suf-fa’it ee-day-ha bi-TaHin wa hu’-ti-too fil fur-in

She dusted the flour from her hands, and she put him into the oven . . .


(P2a) Lem-ma f’-ta-Hit al-firn,  nuT al-wa-lad al-ka’a-keh a’a-la iT-aw-leh wa ahl “tee hee hee, jarr-beh tim-si-kee-nee!”

When she opened the oven, the gingerbread boy jumped onto the table and said, Tee Hee Hee, Try and Catch Me!


(P2b) “Mish ma’a-ool”, a-lit Sitt Khab-bazz.  Wa ra-ka-doo hoo-na wa hoo-nak fil-muT-bakh.

Impossible, said Mrs. Baker as he ran this way and that in the kitchen.


Al wa-lad al-ka’a-keh kan ik-teer ik-teer sa-ree-’a . . . wa nuT min a-shoo-bak. 

The gingerbread boy was very quick and he jumped out the window.


(P3a) UhT-Ta-reeq, al wa-lad al-ka’akeh shaff ba-qa-ra. Al ba-qa-ra ka-nat ik-teer ik-teer jo-a’aneh.  “Shak-lak ty-yib”, a-lit al ba-qa-ra. Wa zi-ra-rak shak-lon ty-been.

On the road, the gingerbread boy saw a cow.  The cow was very very hungry. You look delicious said the cow.  And your buttons look delicious.


(P3b) Al-wa-lad al-ka’akeh nuT ‘a-Tar-eek, wa al “Tee hee hee, Jarr-be tim-si-kee-nee” . . . Wa rak-kad, ehd ma fee.

The gingerbread boy jumped down the street and said, Tee Hee Hee, Try and catch me.  And he ran


(P4) Al-walad al-ka’a-keh Tuh-li-’a ‘a-la tel-leh.  Ah-rass ah-tel-leh kan fee ma’a-ehz. Al ma’a-ehz kan ik-teer ik-teer ju-’aan.  “Sa-baH al-khayr”, ahl al ma’a-ehz. “Ana b’hib ah-kol za’a-tar bess shak-lak ik-teer ik-teer zaa-kee.

The gingerbread boy went up a hill.  At the top of the hill was a goat. The goat was very very hungry.  “Good Morning,” said the goat. “I love to eat oregano but you look very very yummy”


(P5) Bess, al wa-lad al-ka’akeh nuT ‘aT-Tar-eek, wa ahl “tee hee hee, jarr-rib tim-sik-nee.”   . . .Wa rak-kad, ehd ma fee.

But the gingerbread man jumped down the street and said, “tee hee hee, Try and catch me.”


(P6a) “Tee hee hee” ahl al-wa-lad al-ka’akeh wa ra-kad fil Ha’-’il. Shaff al wa-lad al-ka’akeh qiT-Ta.  “Mmmar-ha-ba” a-lit al-qiT-Ta. “Shak-lak ik-teer ik-teer la-zeez”.


“Tee hee hee”, said the gingerbread boy and he ran through the meadow. “Hello,” said the cat, you look very very delicious.


(P6b)Bess, al-wa-lad al-ka’akeh nuT ‘a-Tar-eek, wa ahl “tee hee hee, Jarr-be tim-skee-nee” . . . Wa rak-kad, ehd ma fee.

But the gingerbread jumped down the street and said, Tee hee hee, try and catch me. And he ran off. 


(P7) Al wa-lad al-ka’akeh niz-il min uht-tal-leh wa kan ye-ghan-nee


“Tee hee hee, ana sa-ree-’a  

Ha-ra-bit min al jam-ee-a’a


Qit-Ta, ma’a-ehz wa ba-qa-ra

Im-ra-a sha-ra Hel-loo


Rajul Taw-weel wa miskeen
kil-lon joo-a’a-neen


The gingerbread man ran down the hill and was singing.  Tee hee hee. I am so fast. I ran away from everyone: a cat, a goat and a cow, a woman with lovely hair.  A poor tall man. All of them are hungry.  


(P7a cont.)Lemma al-wa-lad al ka’akeh wass-il a’an-na-hir wa HuT ij-roo bil my wa ahl “Brr, al my ikteer bard.  Keef raH oo-sal al ja-nib a-ta-nee.

When the gingerbread man reached the river bank and he put in his foot in the water he said,  “Brr the water is too cold. How will I get to the other side?


(P7b) Fa-ja’-ah shaff tha’a-lab. “Mar-Ha-ba, al-wa-lad al-ka’a-keh,” ahl al tha’a-lab. “Moom-kin, an-na sa-a’a-dak. NooT ‘aa-la then-a-bee wa an-na wuss-lak aj-ja-nib at-ta-nee.”

Just then he saw a fox.  “Hello”, gingerbread boy, said the fox. “Maybe, I can help you”.  Jump onto my tail and I’ll take you to the other side. 


(P8) Al tha’a-lab se-buH bi-nah-herr. “Brr, ij-ree Saw-rit my ik-teer berrd,” ahl al-wa-lad al-ka’akeh.” – “Yel-la, nooT ‘a’a-la Dah-ree,” ahl al tha’a-lab. Wal tha’a-lab se-buH ka-man. 

The fox swam in the river.  “Brr, my feet are getting wet.  It’s very cold.” said the gingerbread boy.  “Come on, jump on my back,” said the fox and he swam some more.

“Brr,  ij-ree Saw-rit my – ik-teer berrd,” ahl al-wa-lad al-ka’a-keh.  “Yella, nooT ‘aa-la rahss-see” ahl al-tha’a-lab. 

“Brr, my feet are getting wet.  It’s very cold.” said the gingerbread boy.  “Come on, jump on my head” said the fox.

Al-tha-lab se-buH ka-man.  “Brr, ij-ree Saw-rit my – ik-teer berrd”, ahl al wa-lad.  “Yel-la, nooT ‘aal-an-fee”, ahl al-tha’a-lab. Wal tha’a-lab se-buH ka-man.

The fox swam further.  “Brr, my feet are getting wet.  It’s very cold.” said the gingerbread boy.  “Come on, jump on my nose,” said the fox and he swam some more.

(P8b) “tee hee hee,” ahl al-wa-lad al-ka’a-keh, “ma fee-hom yim-skoo-nee . . .wa doo-ghree

Tee hee hee, said the gingerbread boy, “They didn’t catch me,”  but then . . .

(P9) Keb al-tha’a-lab al-wa-lad al-ka’a-keh a’a-la a’a-la a’a-la bil how-wa, oo fa-taH tim-moo wa . . . SNAP, akl al tha’a-lab al-wa-lad al-ka’akeh.

The fox tossed the gingerbread man up, up up in the air and opened his mouth wide.  SNAP, the fox ate the gingerbread man.

(P9b) “Ya ha-ram”, a-lit Sitt Khab-bazz. – “An-na jo-’aan-eh,” a-lit al ba-qa-ra. – “An-na kaman,” ahl al ma’a-ehz – “Ana kaman” a-lit al-qiT-Ta.   . . .“Yella, nrooH al bayt-na wa nakh-buz ma ba’a-ed, ahl Syyed Khabbazz.

Oh poor thing, said Mrs. Batker.  I am hungry, said the cow. I am too said the goat.  Me too, said the cat. Come on, let’s go to our house and we will cook together, said Mr. Baker. 

(P10) Fil mukh-buz, khub-zoo ma-na-’eesh, fa-ty-yeer, ka-na-feh, ma’aa-mool, bess mish wa-lad ka’a-ek.  Kill shee kan moom-tazz! Sy-yed wa Sitt Khab-bazz sar ‘aan-doon Uss-di-qaw tha-la-tha j’-dad wa ka-noo mub-Soo-Teen. 

In the bakery, they baked manaeehs, fatyir, kanafeh, mamool, but not a gingerbread boy!.  Everything was excellent. Mr. and Mrs. Baker had three new friends and they were happy!

Here is this book done the ArabishWay.

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