From ArabishWay

Am I raising perfect Arabic speakers? Nope. Am I doing the best I can which is pretty amazing? You bet!

By February 28, 2019 No Comments

Beliefs and stories I once bought into, I am now letting go!

It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

In my quest to give my girls a second language, I read books and articles about language acquisition.  Every book insisted you had to be consistent, firm, and dedicated.  And I knew the cards were not in my favor; I’m not fluent.  And my husband, while fluent, was far from dedicated.  I asked him once to speak more Arabic while playing with our daughter, and this came out of his mouth:  “Shoo b’oo’loo the dog?”  I screamed “the dog, really the dog ! Ya kelb !”  Just kidding, I didn’t curse him.  But I knew reaching this full immersion experience at home wasn’t going to happen.

I realized even small memories and experiences can be powerful!

Every little piece you do is great and fun and beneficial!

“What does a pig say?” is just one example of how, even though we were not speaking full-time Arabic with our child, we created fun moments with the language.  I learned one sentence and a few animal names, taught our daughter how to respond and we created this memory that makes us laugh every time we watch it. 

The memory or experience can be something as small as attending a cultural fair and having someone write your child’s name in another language, or teaching them to say thank you in Arabic (shook-run) and surprising an Arab-speaking waiter. 

What does a pig say?

I hope you see that exposing your child to one song, one book or adding even just one Arabic word to your child's vocabulary is a wonderful gift!
Laila Taji

Laila Taji

has degrees from Smith College, Johns Hopkins and the University of Washington. Her family is Palestinian but she was born in the UK and has lived in the U.S. since she was three.