What Color Do You Like the Most?

If you did the mosaic names activity  you could have it available as reference or you can find a printable version here: What Color Do You Like the Most.

The main question . . .

Ay lown
bit-Hib/bit-Hib-bee uck-tar?
(What color do you like most M/F?)

Answers in English?
Looks at you blankly?

Be ready for and OK with any response
Repeat by sandwiching your sentence with arabic/english/arabic again or give option answers

Ay lown bit-Hib/bit-Hib-bee uck-tar?
What color do you like the most?
Ay lown bit-Hib/bit-Hib-bee uck-tar?

Still isn't sure?

Smile and keep it fun!
Give options, cues and clues . . .

Demo by saying
ana b'hib____ uck-tar?
(I like ____ the. most?)
and choose a color from the list

Don't dwell on mistakes, congratulate effort and successes . . .

(to a female)
BRAVO ’A-layk
(to a male)

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