Story: Cookie’s Week: (using “Cookie’s Week by Cindy Ward

Printable version: on google docs here

Yome al-at-nayn wa-’a-et Cookie bill Ham-maam 

On Monday, Cookie fell in the toilet.

Wul my tar-ta-shut kul lill-ma-kan 

And the water splashed everywhere.


Yome at-ta-laa-ta, kuss-rut Cookie az-zeh-ree-’a ill-lee ‘ash-shu-back 

On Tuesday, Cookie knocked a plant off the windowsill. 

Wil eh trab wuss-sakh kul lill-ma-kan

There was dirt everywhere.


Yome al-ar-bee-’a, wa-’a-et Cookie le-zbay-leh 

On Wednesday, Cookie upset the trash can.

Wul zbay-leh mal-lut kul-lill-ma-kan

There was garbage everywhere. 


Yome al-kha-meess, ‘al-la-it Cookie bij ja-rahr al-mutt-bukh

On Thursday, Cookie fell in a kitchen drawer.

USS-Hoon wuT Ta-naa-jurr mal-loo kul lill-ma-kan.

The dishes and pots and pans went everywhere.


Yome aj-ju-ma-‘aa dakh-lut Cookie joo-wa kha-za-neh.

On Friday, Cookie ran into the closet.

Wull uh-waa-’aee kar-ka-boo kul lill-makan.

There were clothes everywhere.


Yome uss-sabt, Tel-‘a-at Cookie ‘a-la ehs-sta-ra.

On Saturday, Cookie climbed the curtains.

Cookie we-‘a-et.  Uss-sta-ra we-‘a-et, wut-kar-kab kul lill ma-kan

Cookie fell.  The curtain fell, and there was a mess everywhere.


Book-ra al-ah-Had.  Mumkin, Cookie b’ter-taaH.

Tomorrow is Sunday.  Maybe, Cookie will rest

Here is this book done Arabish style.
A great way to read through the days of the week in a fun way!

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