Let’s Talk About Palestine

a bookclub for those who want to learn more! 

Historical Fiction
Social Justice

Let’s gather every few months to discuss books about Palestine.

We will meet at local libraries and other public spaces.

This book club is open for all who wish to engage in anti-Zionist dialogue and to celebrate the strengths and beauty of

the Palestinian people, Palestinian culture and the connection to the land that is Palestine.

Sign up here if you are interested.

Books We Have Read or Plan to Read

We are reading two books for our next book club.

Rifqa, by Mohamed al-Qird and Men in the Sun, by Ghassan Kanafani

Rifqa can be purchased from Shop Palestine

Men in the Sun can be purchased from your local bookstore, though they may need to order it!

We will meet in May at a location TBD

Please check here or the ArabishWay calendar for details for upcoming events. (www.arabishway.com/events)

May 2024

This bold book unpacks Zionism, from its hypermilitarism to incarceration, its environmental devastation and gendered violence. She insists that Palestine’s fate is linked through bonds of solidarity to other communities crossing racial and gender lines, weaving an intersectional feminist understanding of Israeli apartheid throughout her analysis. She also looks deeper into the interconnectedness of Palestine with Black, migrant, and queer movements, and with other indigenous struggles against settler colonialism, including that of Native Americans.

We had the author, Nada Elia, present with us which made for a wonderful discussion! 

Books can be purchased from palestineonlinestore.org or from bookshop.org

We met on January 13th at the Shoreline Public Library.  We had tea and delicious baklawa from Moklava

January 2024

As the title says, it covers a broad span of history and the one hundred years + of war waged against the Palestinians.  Khalidi is one of the foremost US historians of the Middle East, told through pivotal events and family history.

Books can be purchased from palestineonlinestore.org or from bookshop.org

We met March 9th at the Bellevue Public Library. There was mint tea and delicious Palestinian sweets.

Please check here or the ArabishWay calendar for details for upcoming events. (www.arabishway.com/events)

March 2024