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We are all connected. The same forces oppressing our communities at home are arming the Israeli regime abroad. “Study & Action for Palestine” is an online course and learning community that explores the question of how we can build a durable movement, strong enough to take on these forces at home and abroad. The course provides a direct avenue of engagement with experienced Palestinian, Jewish, Christian & Labor Union organizers taking action for Palestine right now AND a community of learning & support that fortifies participants with knowledge, skills & supportive relationships for the long haul as we demand an end to genocide and a #FreePalestine.
Cosponsors: @uscpr @jewishvoiceforpeace@adalahjusticeproject @showingupforracialjustice@_catalystproject_ @highlandercenter @rabbis4ceasefire
Guest teachers: @nouraerakat @ahmadabuznaid@huwaida.arraf @sumayaawad … and more!
Facilitators: @chrisforliberation & Eleanor Hancock of @comrades.education
Link in @comrades.education bio and on comrades.education homepage for full details & registration.
Artwork: Yasmine Abulhab @yabulhab_creates_stuff
Photography: Naaman Omar via apaimages & Nikolas Gannon via Unsplash